Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Anthropological Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Anthropological - Research Proposal Example The ethical consideration in this paper is considering Micronesia as a culture and studying the group keeping in mind the sub groups and the differences between them. The field study in the research involves questions like how do the constituents of the group feel about their identity and exchange of cultures. The questions about their expression of their identity and effort to have that identity are also important. The important part of the study is to infer the answers that participants cannot answer directly. Hence, researcher should focus on sociocultural anthropology and several offshoots of the discipline as stated by Kiste Robert (2008) in ‘American Anthropology in Micronesia: An Assessment’. The inference regarding culture, language and identity is possible with the study of prehistory and anthropological linguistics and physical anthropology. The researchers should take into consideration the roles played by applied anthropology within the domain of socio cultural anthropology and archaeology on the evolution of the group with the diversities contained by its sub groups. The anthropological linguistical research is also necessary for determining the exchange and physical anthropology is necessary for major inputs in war related applied projects and other types of evolution. The cultural relativism as a basic tenet of discipline can explain how the expression of identities changes in course of time and between various sub groups in an affinity group.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Lighting Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lighting - Term Paper Example What exactly is this phenomenon? What causes it to occur? Have scientists through the years found the answers to explain this amazing occurrence? If this was a myth, what sort of stories was told about it? These are just some of the questions that this paper aims to answer. Introduction â€Å"A French scientist named Pierre Gassendi was claimed to have named the northern lights after the Roman goddess of dawn, â€Å"Aurora† in 1621. The word â€Å"borealis† was added to represent the Greek god of the north wind, â€Å"Boreas† † (Effron L., 2011.). Others, however, claimed that it was the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) who actually first gave the term ‘Aurora Borealis’, a Latin derived word† (â€Å"Facts and Info†, n.d.). Places where aurora borealis can be viewed have become tourist attractions in that part of the world_ the northern latitudes which particularly they call the polar zones. Some scientists call them a s â€Å"polar auroras† (or aurorae polaris)† (Polar zone, n.d.). All types of aficionados all over the world and from all walks of life come and gather to this part of the world to enjoy looking and appreciating a â€Å"no man-made† awesome sights in the sky. ... Here are some facts gathered about the officially known aurora borealis or northern lights in the earth’s northern hemisphere. Is Aurora Borealis, A Myth? When there were still no valid explanations for these amazing colorful sightings in the sky, people invented several stories translated into legends, folklores and myths. As myths, many have thought of these colorful lights in the sky as something alien in origin (â€Å"Alaska Public Land†, n.d.). It is important to note that â€Å"different cultures and communities had different stories to tell about the aurora borealis. For one, it was thought to be spirits of the dead dancing in heaven while others believed that those people who whistled at the lights were taken away by them. The lights were also thought to be trails of various gods and goddesses traveling in the sky. The dominance of red colors it radiated in the sky was also perceived to be signs of bloodshed, wars, and catastrophic events. Some have accepted th em as signs given by Immortal Gods and Goddesses in strange worlds trying to communicate with mortals† (â€Å"Facts and Info†, n.d.). But eventually through the years of man’s milestone achievements on scientific technology-advancement, persistent scientists were able to find scientific answers to what causes and makes up these northern lights. The Scientific Explanation The Corpuscular Theory of the Aurora Borealis by Goldstein in 1881 was one of the earliest theories attempting to explain the occurrence of the northern lights (Spencer, 1918). Further studies in support of the aurora borealis were initiated by, Paulsen, a Danish meteorologist (1891), Birkeland (1896), Dr.